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Comparison of the Two Sets of Commandments, Page 4

Levi. 14:11 to Levi. 19:15

My Commandment List

Maimonides’ Commandment List




The priest shall follow the procedures pertaining to the one who is being cleansed from his malignancy.

Lev 14:11-32


When a malignancy appears in a house, the owner shall notify the priest.

Lev 14:34,35


The house in which there is a malignancy shall be emptied of its contents and its inhabitants before the priest comes to inspect it.

Lev 14:36


The priests shall follow the procedures pertaining to a malignancy in a house.

Lev 14:37-53


The law pertaining to one who has an issue from his flesh shall be followed.

Lev 15:2-15



Lev 15:3

Observe the laws of impurity caused by a man's running issue (irregular ejaculation of infected semen)


Lev 15:13-14

A man who had a running (unnatural urinary) issue must bring an offering (in the Temple) after he goes to the Mikvah

The law pertaining to one who ejaculates shall be followed.

Lev 15:15-18



Lev 15:16

Observe the laws of impurity of a seminal emission (regular ejaculation, with normal semen)


Lev 15:16

Every impure person must immerse himself in a Mikvah to become pure

The law pertaining to female vaginal discharge shall be followed.

Lev 15:19-29



Lev 15:19

Observe the laws of menstrual impurity


Lev 15:25

Observe the laws of impurity caused by a woman's running issue


Lev 15:28-29

A woman who had a running (vaginal) issue must bring an offering (in the Temple) after she goes to the Mikvah

The High Priest shall not enter within the veil of the holy of holies at just any time.

Lev 16:2

A priest must not enter the Temple indiscriminately

The High Priest shall follow the procedures for Yom Kippur.

Lev 16:3-33



Lev 16:3

To follow the procedure of Yom Kippur in the sequence prescribed in Parshah Acharei Mot ("After the death of Aaron's sons...")

The person releasing the scapegoat shall wash himself, then may reenter the camp.

Lev 16:26


The person burning the bullock and goat of the sin offering shall wash his clothes and bathe himself, then may reenter camp.

Lev 16:28


You shall afflict your soul on Yom Kippur.

Lev 16:29

To afflict yourself on Yom Kippur

One slaughtering an animal that is fit for sacrifice outside the Tabernacle must bring it to the priests.

Lev 17:3,4



Lev 17:4

Not to slaughter sacrifices outside the courtyard

The priest shall sprinkle the blood of the sacrifice on the altar.

Lev 17:5


You shall not sacrifice your offerings to pagan gods.

Lev 17:7


You shall pour out the blood and cover it with earth,

Lev 17:13

To cover the blood (of a slaughtered beast or fowl) with earth

Anyone eating an animal that died by itself or was torn by beasts shall wash his clothes and bathe in water and be unclean until evening.

Lev 17:14



Lev 18:6

Not to make pleasurable (sexual) contact with any forbidden woman

You shall not have sexual relations with your father or mother.

Lev 18:7



Lev 18:7

Not to have sexual relations with your mother 


Lev 18:7

Not to have sexual relations with your father

You shall not have sexual relations with your stepmother.

Lev 18:8

Not to have sexual relations with your father's wife

You shall not have sexual relations with your sister or half-sister.

Lev 18:9

Not to have sexual relations with your sister

You shall not have sexual relations with your granddaughter.

Lev 18:10



Lev 18:10

Not to have sexual relations with your son's daughter


Lev 18:10

Not to have sexual relations with your daughter


Lev 18:10

Not to have sexual relations with your daughter's daughter

You shall not have sexual relations with your stepsister.

Lev 18:11

Not to have sexual relations with your father's wife's daughter

You shall not have sexual relations with your father's sister.

Lev 18:12

Not to have sexual relations with your father's sister

You shall not have sexual relations with your mother's sister.

Lev 18:13

Not to have sexual relations with your mother's sister


Lev 18:14

Not to have sexual relations with your father's brother

You shall not have sexual relations with the wife of your father's brother.

Lev 18:14

Not to have sexual relations with your father's brother's wife

You shall not have sexual relations with your daughter-in-law.

Lev 18:15

Not to have sexual relations with your son's wife

You shall not have sexual relations with your sister-in-law.

Lev 18:16

Not to have sexual relations with your brother's wife

You shall not have sexual relations with a woman together with her daughter or her granddaughter.

Lev 18:17



Lev 18:17

Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her daughter


Lev 18:17

Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her son's daughter


Lev 18:17

Not to have sexual relations with a woman and her daughter's daughter

You shall not have sexual relations with a woman together with her sister.

Lev 18:18



Lev 18:18

Not to have sexual relations with your wife's sister

You shall not have sexual relations with a woman who is in her menstrual uncleanness.

Lev 18:19

Not to have sexual relations with a menstrually impure woman

You shall not have sexual relations with your neighbor's wife.

Lev 18:20



Lev 18:20

Not to have sexual relations with someone else's wife

You shall not dedicate any of your children to Molech.

Lev 18:21

Not to pass your children through the fire to Molech

A man shall not have sexual relations with another man.

Lev 18:22

A man must not have sexual relations with a man

No man or woman shall have sexual relations with an animal.

Lev 18:23



Lev 18:23

A man must not have sexual relations with an animal


Lev 18:23

A woman must not have sexual relations with an animal


Lev 19:3

Be in awe of your mother or father


Lev 19:4

Not to inquire into idolatry


Lev 19:4

Not to make an idol for others


Lev 19:8

Not to eat from that which was left over

You shall not reap the corner of your field.

Lev 19:9

Not to reap that corner

You shall not gather the gleaning of your harvest.

Lev 19:9

Not to gather the gleanings


Lev 19:10

To leave a corner of the field uncut for the poor


Lev 19:10

To leave the unformed clusters of grapes


Lev 19:10

Not to pick the unformed clusters of grapes

You shall leave the corner of your field for the poor and the stranger.

Lev 19:10


When harvesting the fruit of your vineyard, you shall not glean it or gather the fallen fruit.

Lev 19:10


You shall leave the gleanings and fallen fruit for the poor and the stranger.

Lev 19:10



Lev 19:11

Not to deny possession of something entrusted to you


Lev 19:11

Not to swear in denial of a monetary claim


Lev 19:11

Not to steal money stealthily

You shall not swear falsely by the Lord's name.

Lev 19:12

Not to swear falsely in God's Name


Lev 19:13

Not to rob openly


Lev 19:13

Not to withhold wages or fail to repay a debt

You shall not withhold wages of the hired till morning.

Lev 19:13

Not to delay payment of wages past the agreed time

You shall not oppress your fellow.

Lev 19:13


You shall not despise the deaf.

Lev 19:14


You shall not put stumbling blocks before the blind.

Lev 19:14

Not to put a stumbling block before a blind man (nor give harmful advice)


Lev 19:14

Not to curse any upstanding Jew

You shall judge your fellow with righteousness.

Lev 19:15



Lev 19:15

A judge must not have mercy on the poor man at the trial


Lev 19:15

A judge must not respect the great man at the trial


Lev 19:15

A judge must not pervert justice


Lev 19:15

Judge righteously

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My Commandment List

[1 - 80]    [81 - 160]    [161 - 240]    [241 - 320]    [321 - 400]    [401 - 480]    [481 - 558]



[Gene. 1:28 to Exod. 22:14]          [Exod. 22:15 to Levi. 5:13]

[Levi. 5:15 to Levi. 14:10]

[Levi. 19:16 to Levi. 22:25]          [Levi. 22:27 to Levi. 25:40]

[Levi. 25:41 to Numb. 18:17]          [Numb. 18:20 to Deut. 12:15]

[Deut. 12:17 to Deut. 16:22]          [Deut. 17:1 to Deut. 22:4]

[Deut. 22:5 to Deut. 24:16]          [Deut. 24:17 to Deut. 32:38]