
Deuteronomy 4:2 and 13:1


Moses is speaking to the people in the wilderness:

Deut. 4:2  “You shall not add onto the word that I am commanding you, and you shall not take away from it, to keep the commandments of the Lord, your God, that I am commanding you.”


Deut. 13:1  “Everything that I am commanding you, it you must observe to do.  You shall not add onto it  and you shall not take away from it.”


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My Commandment List

[1 - 80]    [81 - 160]    [161 - 240]    [241 - 320]    [321 - 400]    [401 - 480]    [481 - 558]



[Gene. 1:28 to Exod. 22:14]          [Exod. 22:15 to Levi. 5:13]

[Levi. 5:15 to Levi. 14:10]          [Levi. 14:11 to Levi. 19:15]

[Levi. 19:16 to Levi. 22:25]          [Levi. 22:27 to Levi. 25:40]

[Levi. 25:41 to Numb. 18:17]          [Numb. 18:20 to Deut. 12:15]

[Deut. 12:17 to Deut. 16:22]          [Deut. 17:1 to Deut. 22:4]

[Deut. 22:5 to Deut. 24:16]          [Deut. 24:17 to Deut. 32:38]